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Yes, Dallas the RPG is real.
August 24, 2020

I’ve had a few people ask me about this and, yes, there was a roleplaying game released in 1980 from Simulations Publications, Inc. If you’ve never heard of that company, it’s likely because the failure of Dallas the RPG contributed to SPI’s demise.

Dallas, by the way, was the very first licensed RPG. And, yes, I own a copy.

But if you want to learn more about it, I found a great YouTube review of it by Z Gosck. If you enjoy the review, check out his website and an RPG he jus released, Punktopia. –R.

I Yam Wut I Yam
June 5, 2020

Hey, all! Randy here! Just a few things.

First off, there’s some glitches in the site and, yes, I’m aware of them. I’m slowly plodding through and trying to figure out what all needs to be fixed. Basically, Blind Ferret changed how the site runs and now everything is automated. That means, for the first time since the comic started in 2001, I’m not creating every page of the site in Text Pad. I’m literally just uploading files. I’m not going to pretend I’m not excited about this. I absolutely am. But there’s some errors here and there and I’m trying to fix stuff.

Also, you may notice the file names of comic entries are different now, so I’m sad to say anything you have bookmarked previously likely isn’t there anymore.

The good news is this is a step to future updates and getting S*P’s site running better with other features. That’s all I wanna say about that right now.

Also, you may have noticed Comics Kingdom has been running comics by me in their Popeye Cartoon Club area. Last year, Cartoon Club started as a celebration of Popeye’s 90th birthday with various cartoonists offering their take on the sailor and his cast, one of those cartoonists being me. Well, what’s going on now is a bit different. These are all Popeye comics by me – Monday through Friday are traditional four panel style comics while Saturday and Sunday are larger comics I made for the original event but didn’t use (some were posted on my Twitter account).

This will go on for, I believe, just under two more weeks. If you like the Popeye strips, please let Comics Kingdom know by rating and commenting on their site or dropping Comics Kingdom a line. Doing so increases the likelihood of me doing more Popeye comics and maybe one day getting to do full storylines. If you don’t like ’em… well, uh… go watch this video of sand cats. I have nothing to do with sand cats, but they’re cute and maybe you need some cuteness in your life.

Oh, man! Even doing blog posts is easier now! Who knows! You might get more this year. I might even write… FOUR blog posts. –R.

Randy’s Birthday
November 25, 2018

12:45-1:45pm: VIP Mad Hatter’s Tea With Guests of Honor with Seanan McGuire and Taliesen Jaffee in FORMER concierge suite.

4-4:45pm: Closing Ceremonies.

Hope to see you all there! –R.

Over Forty is Past Your Warranty
November 6, 2018

First off, a few plugs.

First, if you use miniatures in your gaming, there’s some really cool 3D facades on Kickstarter right now. Greg, the guy behind it, is a great person who makes great terrain. Definitely give it a look and, if you’re so moved, give Greg some support.

Second, I’m a guest at LosCon in Los Angeles this month (November 23-25). They’re bringing me out to talk to you, draw for you, judge you with silent disdain – all the important stuff! It’s been ten years since my last LA Reader Gathering and it would be great to see anyone who can drop by, especially since the 25th is my birthday. Also, the ever amazing Seanan McGuire will be there talking about her amazing stories and even more amazing cats (fun fact, Seanan is only one of two people my cat Odine trusted immediately the first time she met her). Also in attendance will be Taliesen Jaffe, who’ve I’ve been fortunate enough to know for many years now. He’s a wonderful person and, of course, super popular now with everyone thanks to his amazing work on everyone’ favorite, “She’s the Sheriff.” Oh, and there’s this thing called Critical Role he’s working on. Give it a shot.

So, stuff has been… off kitler for a while now. I wish I could say that it’s clearing up but, well, it’s not. I’ve been having health stuff and, no, it’s not related to what the baby’s going through. Different stuff, but it does really impede my ability to work, and sleep, and… a lot of stuff, honestly. The last four or five days were mostly spent immmobile. Yes, I’m being vague because I don’t like getting a lot of medical advice. But it’s been going on for a while now. I’m sorry that it’s slowing things here down. I’ve gone to the doctor’s and here’s hoping. Thanks for sticking it out, and especially thanks to Michael, who does my convention stuff, and the LosCon staff who’ve had to deal with me dropping out a lot. And various other folks I owe stuff to.

Honestly, I just wanted to check in. I’m alive. I could be better. Baby’s sick but she’ll recover. I still love the comic but kinda hate my body. I’ll keep doing S*P. I hope you’ll keep reading it. –R.

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