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01-01-24Like a Baby

01-02-24Faith Gone Up In Smoke

01-04-24Not the Best Teacher

01-08-24A Mother’s Advice

01-09-24Coping Isn’t What Tiggers Do Best

01-16-24Cat Shelters

01-17-24Texas Pokémon

01-18-24Fun Armadillo Facts

01-24-24Cheer-Up Pin-Up

01-29-24Brand New Fans


02-09-24Time To Move

02-14-24Replacing Your Friends

02-15-24Find Your Community

02-23-24Sad Brain Storms

02-27-24Not In Two Places

02-28-24Never On the Bar

02-29-24Special Leap Drink


03-08-24New Creartive Ideas

03-15-24Reluctant Heroes

03-22-24Another Reason?


04-03-24Drawn While Dealing With Mouth Pain… Again

04-12-24The Billing Conspiracy

04-18-24Your Usual Reasoning

04-24-24Real Adulthood


05-08-24Rory’s First Date

05-17-24What A Mother Wants

05-24-24Very Poor Preparation

05-25-24Mental Catalogue

05-26-24A Simple Difference in Beliefs

05-27-24Learning What You Want

05-28-24Davan’s Extended Dating History pt 1

05-29-24Davan’s Extended Dating History pt 2


06-07-24Davan’s Extended Dating History pt 3

06-12-24Davan’s Extended Dating History pt 4

06-21-24Horrible, Sudden Realizations

06-28-2420 Years of Self-Employment


07-03-24Low-Res/Davan’s Extended Dating History pt 5

07-12-24Kitty’s New Pup pt 1/Davan’s Extended Dating History pt 6

07-16-24Everything Is Changing.

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